Student Visa for son above 18

Sponsoring Son's Visa (Age above 18)-Dubai

New UAE residency visa rules for 18-year-old dependents (20/06/2019

UAE residents can now renew the residency visas of their 18-year-old dependents, whether they are secondary school or university graduates, for up to two consecutive years.

The residence permit will be valid for a year and can be renewed for an additional year.

This benefit can be availed from the date of completion of secondary education of dependents, or those who have just graduated university, or those reaching the age of 18 years.

Guardians will no longer be required to apply under humanitarian appeals, which required a deposit of Dh5,000.

This type of visa can only be obtained as of the date of graduation from school/university, or when reaching the legal age, 18, whichever is earlier.

Applicants can apply through Amer Centers.

Residents can submit supporting documents that include attaching the certificate of general secondary education or graduation certificate or the information from the university where the son studied, whether inside or outside the UAE, duly certified by his college/university.

The residency laws of the UAE allows expatriate parents to sponsor their sons as long as they are less than 18 years old. Existing visa can be renewed till the age of 21.

The laws are different for a daughter and the parents can sponsor her beyond 18 years of age. The parents can sponsor her if she is a divorcee or if she becomes a widow. Her residency visa will be valid for two/three years depends on the sponsor’s visa.

+ According to the law, the parents of the teenager can keep him here if he is studying at a local educational institution, a university or a college in the UAE.

+ The teenager can be sponsored either by the educational institution or by one of the parents after submitting a document at the residency department that he is continuing his studies here in the UAE.

+ Course continuation certificate from the college he studies.

+ If the son studies out of UAE, Course continuation certificate should be attested by UAE Embassy in that country and Foreign Affairs in UAE.

Visa Validity: One year and can be renewed for an additional year.

+ Medical Certificate at the time of visa stamping/renewal.

 Medical Insurance Card/Certificate at the time of visa stamping/renewal.