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Under Commercial Companies Act Number 8 of 1984 and Ministerial
Decision Number 69 of 1989, a branch office of a foreign company does
not have a separate entity. It merely represents the parent company
and carries on business under its name. Usually, a branch office may
promote and market the products of the parent company, enter into
transactions and conclude agreements in the name of the parent
company, and offer services to its customers.
With the exception of foreign companies licensed to operate from the
free zone in the UAE, a foreign company may carry on its main activity
or business in the UAE or establish an office or branch after a
license is issued by the
Ministry of Economy and Commerce. The license specifies the object or objects which the
company is permitted to carry on. For the license to be granted the
company must appoint a UAE national or a corporate body, the partners
or shareholders of which are all UAE nationals, as agent of the
company (a term which, under the
Companies Act, does not include commercial agency). The duties
of such agent to the company and third parties are limited to
rendering the service necessary to the company without undertaking
financial liability in respect of the business or activity of the
company in the UAE or abroad; the agent is not entitled to claim any
rights or authority in the business of the company. His rights in
consideration of his services are determined by agreement.
The applications to set up a branch in the UAE must contain the trade
name, legal form, address of headquarters of the foreign company and
the country where it carries its activities, nature of activity
intended to be exercised in the UAE, name of national agent (if the
agent is a legal entity, then its legal form), capital, names of
partners, their nationality, and addresses. The following documents
are required:
+ Certificates of registration of the foreign company;
+ Resolution adopted by the authorized body in the parent company to
set up a branch in the UAE;
+ Power of attorney for the company's representative who submits the
+ Original copy of the articles of association of the parent company,
legalized by the competent authorities;
+ Balance sheet of the parent company for the last two fiscal years
and auditor's report; and
+ Notarized copy of agreement between the parent company and the
To prepare your Dubai visa applications, call:
Qusais (Al Nahda-2) Near Zulekha Hospital: 04-239 1302, 055 273 2295,
055-345 7829
Qusais (Al Nahda-2) Behind NMC Hospital: 056 8614786
Bur Dubai: 04-252 22 22, 055-9105757
Hor Al Anz: (Deira): 04-265 8373, 050-715 0562
Qusais (Damascus St): 04-258 6727, 054-300 5931
For Collection & Delivery Service; call 04-239 1302, 055 273 2295,
055-345 7829
For Family visa service of all other emirates, call: 04-252 22 22,
Call us for Saudi Visit Visa, Saudi Family Visa, Saudi Employment visa
stamping, Saudi Embassy
service, Certificate attestation and Family visa service of all
055-9105757, 04-252 22 22
or mail your queries to |