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How do I get a licence?
Abu Dhabi
To go fishing in Abu Dhabi waters, citizens, residents and tourists
need to apply for a licence at the Environment Agency, Abu Dhabi (EAD).
The licence can be applied for easily
online here.
You can also call the agency on 02 693 4444
These are the different types of fishing licences that can be applied
1. Commercial fishing licences
Commercial fishing licences are issued to professional fishermen in
Abu Dhabi. To get this service, the following conditions the
+ Must be a UAE citizen and registered with Ministry of Climate Change
and Environment (MoCCaE).
+ Must have a fishing boat registered by the MoCCaE.
+ Must have good conduct and behaviour.
+ Must be at least 18 years old.
+ Must comply with decisions issued by the Environment Agency, Abu
Dhabi and use allowed fishing equipment.
Cost: Dh200 for Tarad (speedboat)
Dh250 for Lansh (motor-engine powered dhow)
The same fee needs to be paid for the renewal of the licence.
2. Hadhra fishing licence
Hadhra is a traditional fishing method used in shallow coastal areas.
This licence is issued to traditional UAE fishermen.
Required documents:
- Emirates ID
- Personal photo, a letter to EAD with coordinates of the fishing
3. Fishing net permit (Al Ghazal)
This permit is issued to fishermen who own a speedboat and hold a
commercial fishing licence. Net fishing is permitted in the waters of
Abu Dhabi except for the areas banned by Law No. 23 of 1999 on the
Exploitation and Protection of Living Aquatic Resources in the UAE
(PDF), and the related local decisions. This service is provided to
owners of fishing boats only, not of big fishing vessels.
4. Weekly recreational fishing licence
The public can apply for this licence, which enables them to fish
along the Abu Dhabi beaches. It is issued for UAE citizens, expats
(with valid visa) and tourists.
Cost: Dh30
5. Annual recreational fishing licence
Holders of the annual recreational fishing licences are allowed to
fish along the Abu Dhabi beaches. This licence is valid for one year
and issued to citizens, residents and tourists. The applicant should
be 18 years old or above and a UAE citizen or expatriate (with valid
visa). Tourists would need to provide details of their tourist visa.
Cost: Dh120
Processing Time: Three working days
Required documents:
- Copy of Emirates ID
- Personal photo
Gargour permit
A gargour is a cage-like fishing trap with an opening that allows the
fish to swim inside without being able to escape. It targets
deep-water fish such as the hammour, jesh and zuraidi. Gargour permits
are issued for commercial fishers having big fishing launches
(motor-engine powered dhow).
Bohoor permit
Bohoor signifies internal waters and the UAE's regional waters within
the Abu Dhabi emirate. This permit allows traditional fishers to
practise fishing in these areas. It can be renewed every four years.
Required documents
- Emirates ID
- Copy of the family book
- A letter directed to EAD with the location coordinates
Fees: Dh1,500
Dufara fishing permit
Dufara is a small fishing net used in shallow waters to catch fish
such as the golden trevally, scaled queenfish and the yellowtail scad.
This service requires the applicant to have a registered fishing boat.
Cost: No fees
Required Documents
- Copy Emirates ID
- Copy of fishing boat ownership
The Natural Resources Protection section of Dubai Municipality is the
competent authority to provide licensing services for fishing within
the emirate's regional water. There are two types of fishing licensing
service provided by Dubai Municipality:
Recreational fishing licence
This service enables the customer to obtain a licence for recreational
fishing using the fishing rod only. This licence allows fishing from
the coast, or using a boat in coastal waters of the emirate of Dubai.
Fishing will be in compliance with the terms of the Federal Law No. 23
of 1999 amended by Federal Law No. 7 of 2016 on Protection and
Development of Bio-Aquatic resources in the UAE and related
regulations. This service is available to citizens and residents. The
licence is valid for a renewable term of one year. The service is
suspended from June to October of every year to keep sustainable
consumption of local fish resources.
Artisanal fishing licence
This service enables the customer to obtain fishing licence in the
UAE's marine waters as per the Federal Law No. 23 of 1999 amended by
Federal Law No. 7 of 2016 on the requirement of protection, and
development of Bio-Aquatic resources in the UAE and according to the
procedures of Ministry of Climate Change and Environment. This service
is available and eligible by UAE national artesian fishers. Applying
for this service requires an approval from the local fishing
To apply for a licence in Dubai,
click here.
Ras Al Khaimah
In Ras Al Khaimah, Environment Protection and Development Authority is
the entity competent to issue fishing licences in the regional waters
of the emirate. Its duties include regulation of fishing and
protection of fish resources in the emirate. Fishing for recreational
or commercial purposes is not allowed in Ras Al Khaimah without
obtaining a licence from the authority.
Fishing boats registration
Ministry of Climate Change and Environment is in charge of issuing
licences and registering fishing boats all over the UAE. According to
the Ministerial Decree Ho. 372 of 2013 on Temporary Suspension of New
Fishing Boat Registration (PDF in Arabic), Ministry of Climate Change
and Environment suspended issuance of licences for new boats. Current
licences issued by the ministry cover sale, assignment, replacement of
damaged boats and transfer of title to heirs. To licence a fishing
boat, the owner of the boat must:
+ Be a citizen of the UAE
+ Be at least 18 years old
+ Get security approval
+ Have a fishing licence from the competent authority
+ Not have been previously registered with the ministry
+ Have fishing experience
Where can I go fishing in the UAE?
If you are looking to take up fishing, you would largely have two
options: deep-sea fishing and shore fishing.
Muhammad Ishakov, co-founder of, an online store for
fishing equipment, spoke about how shore fishing seems to have gained
popularity in the UAE.
More and more people want to learn this amazing hobby. However, beyond
a hobby it becomes a sport and many anglers, or fishing enthusiasts,
move from traditional fishing to more advanced and challenging methods
of using artificial baits and lures, catching different types of fish.
One of the best things is that enthusiasts who fish as a sport mostly
practise catch and release, where they enjoy the fight with the fish
and release them in most cases, or keeping just one or two legal size
fish for the family table. This type of fishing is the most
sustainable as it doesn't affect the fish population.
Where can you go for shore fishing?
While there are no officially designated areas for fishing, the
following list has been compiled based on popular fishing areas around
the UAE. However, it is important to note that fishing enthusiasts
should always check around before they begin fishing in an area.
Fishing is not allowed near swimming areas, areas with high security,
fishermen's harbours and construction and commercial areas.
Abu Dhabi
1. Al Aryam Island
2. Al-Bateen Beach has a good fishing spot near Hodariyat bridge.
3. ICAD II has some popular fishing spots down the beach strip,
including at Hameed Beach.
4. Al Raha Beach, near Yas tunnel
5. Yas Island
6. Eastern Mangroves
1. Below Al Maktoum Bridge - Bur Dubai side. It is not allowed to fish
in Deira and Floating Bridge)
2. Some parts of the Al Mamzar Creek, it is not allowed to fish near
swimming areas, landing bases, Mamzar Corniche, and investment areas)
3. Breakwaters in Jumeirah and Umm Suqeim beaches behind Sunset mall
(not allowed to fish in swimming areas and fishermen harbours)
4. Below Garhoud Bridge (Deira side) (It is not allowed to fish in Bur
Dubai side and investment areas and below Business Bay bridge)
5. Breakwaters on Al Sufouh beach (not allowed to fish in swimming
areas and investment areas).
1. Al Mamzar (Sharjah side)
2. Al Hira Beach (Sharjah) (This is the coast near the Al Sharqan area
in Sharjah, near Sharjah Ladies Club)
3. Al Khan Lagoon
4. Al Hamriya Beach (This is the stretch of the beach right after
Hamriya Free Zone)
5. Kalba Beach
6. Dibba al hisn water canal
7. Luluyah Beach
Deep-sea fishing
As for deep-sea fishing, you would need to hire a fishing charter
boat. The advantage? You chase the catch, instead of waiting for it to
come to you.
To catch larger fish, a 'trolling' or 'casting' method is used.
These are intended to create an environment where the smaller fish are
moving, which then get attacked by the larger predator.
Where can you go for deep-sea fishing?
There are no spots, but rather areas where usually shoals of fish
move. Normally, anglers will look for active birds that will help them
find shoals of fish that are hunting.
Some of the best action can be found very near to the shore, and
sometimes it requires going out 20km off-shore.
At time anglers could even enjoy 'bottom fishing', catching fish that
usually live near the sea floor.
This happens mainly through some anomalies on the sea bed, like a ship
wreck, or some formations that provide an environment for fish to
build out an environment around it.
Trawling: In this method, as the boat moves, there is a jig or
lure, which is basically a fake fish, attached to the boat, moving
with it as well. It attracts predators that might come to attack it.
Once the fish takes the bait, the line starts running and you pull the
fish out.
Casting: Here the boat is static. You throw in the line with
the lure and then reel it in. It has the same effect as trawling,
where you have the lure moving at the top of the surface of the sea.
Once the fish attacks the bait, anglers are able to catch it.
These two methods work on the surface and are primarily used to catch
bigger fish like barracuda, kingfish, queenfish or bonitos.
Bottom fishing - This is a completely different concept,
according to Khamitov, as it involves using a sinker, or a piece of
weight, to drop the bait to the sea bed. The angler attaches a piece
of squid to the hook along with a sinker. As the bait reaches close to
the sea bed, the angler keeps moving it around, simulating the
movement of a fish. Fish like sherri or hamour, which feed near the
sea bed and are called bottom-feeders, are lured in.
Jigging: According to Khamitov, in this technique, the angler
takes a jig, which is a smaller lure, like a small fish, and moves it
around. This can be done right above the surface of the sea, it could
be done near the sea bed (using a sinker) or the angler could move the
lure from the sea bed right to the surface. You have to recreate the
movement of the small fish. If the fish or piece of squid is not
moving, the fish might just consider it a plankton and not attack.
With jigging, you play with the lure to make the bigger fish believe
that the lure is a smaller fish.
Casting: With casting, you have to be on the look out for other
predators like seagulls.
Here, the boat's captain takes the group of anglers towards where
seagulls might be gathering. At some point, you will notice the water
moving into what looks like a rolling boil.
This is when the smaller fish are coming to the surface to eat the
plankton and the bigger fish are coming close to the surface to attack
the smaller fish. The seagulls are feeding on both these fish.
Once the surface begins to roll into an apparent boil, the shoal comes
to the surface and you cast, throwing the line into the middle of this
rolling water.
You then reel your line in to recreate a moving fish. As you are
reeling it in, the bigger fish attacks it and you pull it out.
What do I need in a starter fishing kit?
Some basic equipment you need in your fishing kit includes:
+ A rod
+ A machine or reel (the device on to which the line is attached)
+ The line
+ Different jigs, sinkers, hooks, lures.
What you put at the end of the line can vary, you have a million
options. You can shop for the kit and baits anywhere from discount
markets to fishing equipment shops in the UAE.
Depending on the quality of the equipment, you can get a basic kit for
relatively cheap. However, if you would like to invest in decent
quality equipment, Khamitov recommends setting a budget of around
What is a good time to go fishing?
Based on the feeding activity of fish, early morning or in the evening
are the best times to go.
Just after sunrise or just before sunset, that's the feeding time of
Fishing with trawling nets, or by the bottom setting nets, nylon nets
or drift (AlHayyal) regardless of the type, size or length of the nets
used thereon is also prohibited.
It is prohibited to capture sea turtles of all species sizes and ages,
or collecting their eggs or tampering with their habitat and
propagation places in the Fishing Waters. It is also impermissible to
catch whales, sea cows (Alatwam) and other sea mammals of all species
and sizes or extraction oysters, sponges or coral reefs except for
scientific research purposes and after obtaining a written permission
from the Competent Authority.
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