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Direct Recruitment for Female Workers
This procedure is applicable for Housemaid and Female Worker who hold
ECR passport. The female worker's age should not be less than
30 years.
Register Employer in (Individual sponsor for
housemaid or company for labour)
more for how to register.
Visa Attestation from
When you receive Login ID & password, please visit IVS Global,
201&202, Business Atrium, Oud Metha, Dubai # 04 357 9585 and
submit the following documents:
+ No-relationship Affidavit
for maid visa (applicable only for Indian families)
+ Refundable Deposit of Dh9200 for all nationalities (this is
applicable for maid and female worker who holds ECR Passport and
recruited under company sponsorship).
+ Visa Copy of the Employee/Employer
+ Passport copy of the Employer/ Employee
+ Offer Letter/initial approval obtained from MOHRE/ Or Prepared by the Company in case
of Free Zone or
Housemaid/Individual prepared by the sponsor with signature.
+ Login ID / Employer Registration Acknowledgement Letter.
Once the visa is attested, an agreement will be generated through
eMigrate System and that agreement will
be sent to the employee. (Agreement could be generated by Employer
himself or the IVS, Global)
The agreement with attested Visa Copy will be sent to the employee in
order to get emigration clearances
Protector of Emigrants (POE).
3. Protector Of Emigrants (PoE) Clearance
Once the Visa has been attested by the consulate, an Employment
Contract will be generated. The Employment
Contract can be generated by the Employer by logging into
Emigrate System.
Once the contract is generated and sent to the employee, Employer/Employee needs to follow
the next process:
+ The Employer or Employee needs to obtain The Pravasi Bhartiya Bima
Yojana (PBBY).
+ The PBBY policy has to be obtained from India only through one of
the authorized insurance companies. You can find approved insurance
agencies through the following link.
+> PBBY Policy > Purchase PBBY Policy Online >
select one of the companies and process. (If
required, this service could be obtained from IVS, Global).
+ Once the Policy is obtained, Employee/Employer needs to go for the
POE clearance process and follow the below instructions:
+> Emigrant> Apply for Emigration Clearance for ECR Countries> Employer Registered
on eMigrate system.
+ Fill in Emigrant Registration Form details: Passport Details > Visa
and Insurance Details > Personal details >
Travel details > Contact details > Employment details > Save & Next.
+ Employer/Employee will fill in the required details and then upload the
signed Employment Contract, employee's photo
and Insurance papers. Once the submission is completed, the systems
will generate an application number
starting with EN.
Once the EN No is obtained, go to the link > Payment >Emigrant
Clearance Fee. This fee can be paid online or
at SBI branch. This Application then gets posted to selected POE
office and the POE office gives the clearance.
Then the Employer/Emigrant can download the
clearance paper once their
application is approved. The status of the
same can be tracked under quick links->
Track Application Status.
+ The clearance paper can be downloaded from the link >Emigrant > Download Sticker.
Enter the Passport No and get clearance paper. The employee now can
travel with that document.
For e-Migrate related
service requirements
(Al Nahda-2): 055-277 1838, 04-239 1302,
055 273 2295,
055-345 7829
India: +91-953 90 51 386
+ If the female worker comes under the following POE states, she
should attend physically to collect
Emigration clearance paper.
1. New Delhi
Jaisalmar House,
Canteen Block, Man Singh Road,
New Delhi.
Tel No. 011-2338 2472.
States Covered: Delhi, MP, Chattisgarh &
2. Mumbai:
Building 'E' Khira Nagar,
S.V. Road, Santacruz (West)
Mumbai-400 054.
Tel No. 022-2614 7393.
States Covered: Maharashtra, Gujarat & Goa
3. Kolkata:
Room No. 116 A Wing,
3rd MSO Building, DF Block,
Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 064
Tel No. 033-2334 3407.
States Covered: Orissa, Bihar, West Bengal &
All NE states
4. Chandigarh:
Kendriya Sadan,
5th Block, Ground Floor,
Tel No. 0172-2741790
States Covered: Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh,
5. Jaipur:
Hall No.3, RIICO CFC Building Sitapura Industrial Area, Sitapura,
Phone : 0141-2771529
States Covered: Rajasthan
6. Rai Bareily:
1st Floor, Rudra plaza, Hospital Road, Raebareli, U. P.
Phone : 0535-2211122/2211123
States Covered: UP
Note:- In case the female workers are being recruited through an
agency, they can only be recruited through
the below mentioned agencies and the deposit Dh9200 is not
+ Nurses can be recruited only
through the below registered agencies in India:-
NORKA Roots : Non-Resident Keralites' Affairs Roots (Kerala)
2. ODEPC : Overseas Development and Employment Promotion Consultant
3. OMCL : Overseas Manpower Corporation Ltd. (Tamil Nadu)
4. UPFC : Uttar Pradesh Financial Corporation (Uttar Pradesh)
5. OMCAP : Overseas Manpower Company A.P. Ltd. (Andhra Pradesh)
6. TOMCOM : Telangana Overseas Manpower Company Limited (Telangana)
Related Pages
Emergency Certificate
Employment contract for unskilled labour sponsored by a company
Exporting a
Car from UAE to India
Passport Rules
Consulate Procedures
Approved Medical Centers Association)-India
Housemaid 'No Relationship' Affidavit
Indian Driving License attestation
Indian Maid (change visa inside UAE)
Tourist Visa
Employment contract for unskilled labour sponsored by a company
IVS Global
(Indian Embassy/Consulate Attestation Centre)
of Passport
Mahatma Gandhi Pravasi Suraksha Yojana (MGPSY) Pension Scheme
Mahila Sarva Siksha Abhiyan scholarship
Maid Visa
Sponsored by an Expatriate
Marriage Attestation from Consulate
Marriage Solemnization at Indian Consulate
Minority Certificate from Kerala Government
Newborn baby's Passport
for Sponsoring Maid
Out pass
Passport for newborn baby
Passport in lieu of lost
Passport Damage
Passport in Maiden name
Passport in Married name
Validity extension
Photo Change
PIO (Person
of Indian Origin) and OCI (Overseas Citizen of India)
Police Clearance Certificate (PCC)
Power of Attorney
Protector of Emigrants
UAE Employment Visa related service at
Thiruvananthapuram. Our package includes: pick from your arrival point
(Railway/Bus Stand), Accommodation, Medical (if required), Medical
Certificate Attestation using our Credit Card without you standing in
the queue, necessary guidance and drop at your travel point.
Maid Visa related Service: After completion of e-Migrate
procedures at Indian Consulate/Embassy in UAE, we can arrange
remaining procedures for Emigration clearance.
Explore International, Call +91-95 390 51 386 |