Labour Card/Contract & Visa Renewal of a Company Staff-UAE

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How can I renew my Labour Card/Contract and Employment Visa?

Grace Period: Labour Card/Contract to be renewed within 60 days from the date of its expiry.

Early Renewal:
You can renew Labour Card if its validity is less than 60 days.

Visa Grace Period:
Visa in Passport and Emirates ID  to be renewed within 30 days from the date of its expiry.

Tas'heel Centre:  Labour Card and Labour Contract can be renewed from Tas'heel Centre. Application status can be tracked through by entering MB number which is printed on the receipt.

As per the new rule, instead of renewing the existing contract, you have to type New Job Offer Contract from
Tas'heel Centre.

Documents Required:
Passport copy of Employee
+ Trade license copy & Labour Establishment Card copy of Company
+ e-Signature card of authorized signatory
+ Profession, Salary and allowance details, Type of contract (Limited / Unlimited), Weekly off day,

Steps to follow: Type Job offer Contract from
Tas'heel Centre. Get signature and thumb from employee (thumb for fourth/fifth skill level workers only), put company stamp in the First Party column and submit again at Tas'heel Centre.

Job offer Contract typing: Dh83 +
Contract Submission charge after signature by both parties: Dh83 +
Insurance Fee for two years: Dh120  +

Labour Card fee
according to the company category (see the table below).

Visa Renewal:
You should submit Visa Renewal application through eDNRD website. read more

Documents Required for Visa renewal

+ Original Passport, Medical Certificate, One photograph with white background, Copy of Emirates ID renewal form and Health Insurance Card copy (for companies having staff 100 or above).

e-Contract: Renewed e-Labour Card & e-Contract can be printed from Enter MB number printed on renewal receipt. If you want original copy (green colour) of Labour Contract, you can get it from Tasheel Centre on payment of Dh83. You can print it from Typing Centre also for family visa purpose.

Amendment: Salary Increment and Profession Change can be done at the time of  renewal. Fee: Dh 200 extra. Changes cannot be done till the next renewal. read more

Labour Card Fee for New and Renewal (including Dh150 insurance)
Company Category Skilled (Degree Certificate Required Profession) Unskilled
(Secondary and below level Profession)
(with typing)
2-A 453 1403
2-B 703 2403
2-C 953 2903
2-D 1203 3403
(for more than 65 years old)
Dh5166 + Normal Labour Card fee according to the Company Category (see above table).

Eg. Dh6369 for a degree qualified employee under Company Category 2D.

Validity of Card: Two years.
EMIRATES ID Dh270 (Can be typed from Typing Centre)
Medical Dh320 (Form can be prepared from Typing Centre. Fees varies depends on Hospital)
Visa Renewal (two years) 477 (e-DNRD System. Typing charge extra. Form can be typed from Typing Centre).

Tasheel Fee: for Typing and Submission: Dh83 (for each transaction) read more
+ To prepare your Employment Visa application; call

Qusais (Al Nahda-2): 04-239 1302, 055 273 2295, 055-345 7829

Hor Al Anz: (Deira): 04-265 8373, 050-715 0562

Bur Dubai: 04-358 6215
Qusais (Damascus St): 04-258 6727, 054-300 5931

For Collection & Delivery Service; call 054-300 5931
Q: How can I check my company category?

Click here, choose company information and enter Labour Establishment Card Number.

Q: How can I get information about company classification and fees structure?

A: Click here

Q: How can I understand which profession is degree level? 

A: Click here

Payment should be made through E-Dirham Card at Tas'heel Centre. You can Buy E-Dirham Card from any branch of National Bank of Abu Dhabi or from Aafaq Islamic Finance Company found at Thas'heel branches. Card price: Dh6, Top-up charge: Dh4.

Fine for Delay: Dh200 per month to be paid if delayed to submit new labour card application within 60 days from the date of entry/status change, or delayed to renew labour card within 60 days from the date of expiry. New fine effective from 04/01/2015.

Age above 65 Years: Labour Card can be renewed according to the the above mentioned fees till the age of 65. After that, normal fees + Dh5166 extra to be paid at the time of renewal. Labour Card validity will be for two years for each renewal. This renewal is unlimited till the company needs such employee's service.

Visa Date
: If you are renewing before expiry of the existing visa, the new visa will start from the date of submission. If you are renewing after expiry of the existing visa,
the new visa will start from the date of last expiry.

+ Ministry of Labour  
Timing: Saturday to Thursday 7:30am to 7:00pm

Call Centre: 800 66473 | 800 MOHRE | 
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