How can I convert an existing License to LLC at the time of renewal with name change?


Existing Commercial License with UAE National's sole ownership due for renew. Expatriate Investor wants to join the license as partner and convert it to LLC with new Commercial Name.




Commercial Name Reservation from Tas'heel Centre at Al Tawar Centre Qusais or Business Village near Clock Tower, Muraqabat.  Documents required: Any one of the partners' passport copy and list of proposed names. Name Reservation can be completed same time (Dh210 government fee+ Dh50 service charge)


Initial approval from Economic Department (DED) or Tas'heel Centre at Al Tawar Centre Qusais. Type (BR1) form, get signature of the partners and submit at DED. Form can be filled from Typing Centre
Attachments: Existing License, Name Reservation Certificate, BR1 Form and Passport copies of partners, NOC from sponsor for expatriate partner who holds Employment Visa/Residence Visa. Visit/Tourist Visa holder can attach his/her visa copy. No need NOC for Partner/Investor visa holders. NOC is required even if the joining partner is under the same company's employment visa.
NOTE: Some business activities need external department's approval at the time of license renew/amendment, like Municipality approval for Building Contracting, RTA approval for more


Type LLC Agreement (MoA) from a legal translator and get attested from Notary Public at Al Tawar Centre or Al Barsha  or DED at Business Village near Clock Tower. Legal translator's seal is not required if the the agreement is only in Arabic.
You can write the capital amount in LLC Agreement as much as you want. No need to show Capital deposit certificate from bank. Notary will charge a small percentage at the time of attestation according to the Capital amount and number of partners. Standard capital amount is Dh300,000 out of which 51% (Dh153,000) should be allocated to National partner and remaining 49% can be divided among expatriate partners. If the expatriate partners are two, you can divide the remaining shares to 25% (Dh75,000) & 24% (Dh72,000). If the expatriate partners are more, you can increase the capital. A partner's share value should be Dh70,000 or more to apply for Partner Visa under normal criteria.

Agreement Typing Charge
400 (Approx)

All Partners or Attorney have to attend at Notary to sign the Court Agreement. Show your Passport or Emirates ID to prove identity at Notary Public.
Attestation fee at the court (Notary Public)

1000 (Approx)

Submit the attested LLC Agreement (one original copy), Existing license, BR1 form, Name Reservation Certificate, External departments approval (if any), Tenancy Contract, EJARI Registration Certificate, passport copies of partners and NOC for partners (if any), at any branch of DED. Payment voucher will be issued same time or you can take print from DED website. Make payment at the counter and get the license. You can also pay using Credit Card/Direct Debit through DED website after issued the payment voucher.

Approximate fees for renew, converting license to LLC and name change at DED (Excluding the above mentioned fees)



Break-up cost of renew, converting license to LLC and name change at Dubai DED


Fees in Dhs

Commercial License Fees (to be paid every year) 700.00
Partner addition Fees (Dh1000 extra for each partner) 1000.00
Managing Director addition Fees  (Dh500 extra for each Manager) 500.00
Company name change declaration Fees 500.00
Company name change Fees 500.00
Legal form change declaration Fees 500.00
Legal form amendment Fees 500.00
Non-Arabic Trade Name Fees (Dh2000 extra fees for words like Emirates, Gulf, International, Abbreviation. Maximum Trade Name Fees: Dh3000).
No need to pay this amount if you don't want to change company name (to be paid every year)
Trade name advertisement Fees 350.00
Government Cultural Fees (to be paid every year) 50.00
Administrative service Fees (to be paid every year) 50.00
Side board permit Fees. (No need to pay this amount if you don't have side board) To be paid every year. 600.00
Market Fees (5% of your shop/office rent). Amount varies depends on tenancy amount (to be paid every year) 1250.00
Partner Accommodation Fees (Dh500 for each expatriate Partner). If any of the partner paid his accommodation fees with any other license, you can approach DED to remove his fees after get issued the Payment Voucher (to be paid every year) 500.00
Employee Accommodation Allowance. For Managers and Degree/PG level profession holders should pay Dh500 per head and for low level staff Dh300 per head. This amount should be paid every year 900.00
Public Waste related service fees 2000.00
Service Improvement Fees (Commercial) 400.00
Chamber of Commerce Fees 1200.00
Ministry of Economy & Commerce Fees 3000.00
Local Fees - Trade License 200.00
Commercial License Fees-Tejari 150.00
Civil Defence Department (DCD) Fees 1000.00
Total License cost at DED (approximately)


NOTE: You have to take online appointment to submit initial approval application at Economic Department (DED).
Create a new user account in DED Website for your company. After submitting required information, you will get username and password. Enter the site and make appointment. Submit the documents at the selected DED branch.
If the available date is too long, you can go to DED branch and pay Dh500 urgent fees to get your document cleared same day. Urgent fees will show in your final payment voucher.

If you want to change authorized signatory at Dubai Chamber, you can do it after new License issued by DED. Dubai Chamber counter can be found at all DED branches. Collect Registration Form from there, Fill the information, Put authorized signature and company stamp and submit at Dubai Chamber counter. Certificate will be issued same time. Payment already made at DED along with the Commercial License fees.
Documents required: Filled form,  Copy of Trade License, Partners List, Commercial Register (3 pages of trade license), LLC Agreement, Passport copy of Authorized Signatory and DED Payment Receipt of Trade License.
Chamber Certificate is required for Export & Import purpose, for Registration with various Government Departments and to expand business to other Emirates and abroad.



Immigration Establishment Card
You will have to make changes in Immigration Card according to the amendments made in the License.  You can do it after
the new License issued. Application can be prepared from Typing Centre. Put Company Seal and Signature of Authorized Signatories and  Submit at Immigration Office. Card will be issued within five minutes.
Attachments: Typed Application, New License Copy, Copy of LLC  Agreement, Passport copies of authorized signatories.
If this is the time for Immigration Card Renewal, you should attach office Location Map in Arabic, Tenancy Contract and EJARI Registration Certificate. Read more

250 (Approx)

Labour Establishment Card
You should make changes in  Labour Establishment Card according to the amendments made in the License. You can do it after changes made in Immigration Card. Labour Establishment amendment application should be typed from Tas'heel Centre. Submission at Labour Office. New Card will be issued within five minutes.
Read more

200 (Approx)

LICENSE RENEWAL: Commercial license is valid for one year. After expiry, 30 days grace period is there.  If not renewed within grace period, Dh200 fine per month will be charged at DED.

DED (Economic Department) Branches
Head Office: Business Village
Near Clock Tower
Deira, Dubai
Tel:04-222 9922

Location Map (Click here)

Dubai Mall
Deira, Dubai
Tel: 04-382 7777

Al Tawar
Deira, Dubai
Tel: 04-6013333

TECOM Branch
(To register licenses in TECOM area)

Tel: 04-3754115
Location Map (Click here)

DED Timing: Saturday to Thursday 7:30am to 1:30pm
Call Centre: 7000 40000

Business Set-up in Dubai
Branch of a Foreign Company
Change of Location-Office/Shop
Civil Company
Company Law
Dubai Real Estate Law
Freehold property Visa
Free Zones
Industrial Projects
Investor Visa
License Cancellation
License Modification (change of owner/name/activity/technical staff)
License Renewal-DED
License Renewal-Trakhees
License Renewal-Contracting & Maintenance-DM
LLC Cancellation
LLC Formation
Local Service Agent
Location Change-Business Site
Modify Contractor Registration Data (Foreign Companies)
Municipality Controlled Activities
Municipality Exam/Test
New Contracting License Registration at DM
Nursery License
Professional Firm
Professional License
Real Estate License
Renewal of
Contracting & Maintenance Companies
Sole Establishment
To start a Nursery
Trade License
Trade License Renewal-DED
Trakhees License Renewal


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