Offer Letter (UAE Lbaour Law)

The offer letter signed by you and your employer shall be considered valid by the Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratisation and the Courts of competent jurisdiction only if it is attested and filed with the ministry as of January 01, 2016, all offer letters are to be filed with the ministry.
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Emergency Leave
Employment Ban
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Employment rules
Employment Visa
End of Labour Relationship Between Employer and Employee
End of Service-Gratuity
E-Signature Card
Haj Leave
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Labour Card Renew
Labour Contract
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Labour Contract New (After Entry)
Labour Dispute
Labour Establishment Card
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Labour Fees Information
Labour Guarantee Refund
Labour Inspection for Quota Approval
Labour Law
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Lost Labour Card
Maternity Leave
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Occupational Disease
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PRO Card Labour
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Salary increment
Severance Payment
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Temporary Work Permit
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Tasheel Centers-Abu Dhabi
Unpaid Salary
Visa Cancellation
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Work Permit
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Children Sponsored by Mother