Probation Period

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Article 37 of the labour law states: "A worker may be engaged on probation for a period not exceeding six months, during which his service may be terminated by the employer without notice or severance pay; provided that a worker shall not be engaged on probation more than once in the service of any one employer. Where a worker successfully completes his period of probation and remains in his job, the said period shall be reckoned towards his period of service."

Frequently Asked Question

Q: Is it permitted to exclude the probation period?
A: Yes it is ... as the probation period is optional.

Abscond Reporting
Annual Leave
Air Ticket to Home Country-UAE Labour Law
Arbitrary Termination
Article 120 of UAE Labour Law
Article 121 of UAE Labour Law
Article 127 of UAE Labour Law
Ban-1 Year
Clearance Letter from Employee While he is in Service
Changing Employment Visa and Dependents Visa without exit
Bank Guarantee Refund
Death Compensation-Labour Law
Disciplinary Action-Labour Law
Emergency Leave
Employment Ban
Employment visa during Ban Period
Employment visa Renew
Employment rules
Employment Visa
End of Labour Relationship Between Employer and Employee
End of Service-Gratuity
E-Signature Card
Good Conduct Certificate for UAE Visa
Haj Leave
Labour Card Fine Calculator
Labour Card New
Labour Card Renew
Labour Contract
Labour Contract Amendment
Labour Contract FAQs
Labour Contract New (After Entry)
Labour Dispute
Labour Establishment Card
Labour Establishment Card Amendment
Labour Fees Information
Labour Guarantee Refund
Labour Inspection for Quota Approval
Labour Law
Labour PRO Card
Limited Contract
Lost Labour Card
Maternity Leave
Non-competition clause
Notice Period
Occupational Disease
Offer Letter
Part-time Work Permit
Payment of Wages-UAE Labour Law
Probation Period
PRO Card Labour
Profession Change
Reducing Salary in Labour Contract (Labour Law)
Reasons of Visa Rejection
Resignation-Labour Law
Salary increment
Severance Payment
Sick Leave
Student Work Permit
Temporary Work Permit
Temporary Work Permit for Employee having Labour Dispute
Tasheel Centers-Dubai
Tasheel Centers-Abu Dhabi
Unpaid Salary
Visa Ban in UAE
Visa Cancellation
Visa Rejection Reasons
Visa Transfer
Work Permit
Work Permit Fees Structure
Work Permit for relative Sponsored Ladies


Employment Visa

Limited Contract