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The followings are the address of Protector of Emigrants in India.
If your passport endorsed with Emigration Check Required (ECR), you
should get Emigration Check Not Required (ECNR) stamp before you leave
the country.
+ If you have secondary or above
certificate, you can approach your nearest passport office to remove
ECR status.
+ If you don't have education certificate,
you should approach any of the following POI office along with Indian
Consulate attested Employment Contract to get Emigration Clearance.
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+ If the ECR passport holder female worker comes under the green
marked POE states, she should attend physically to collect
Emigration clearance
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1. New Delhi
Jaisalmar House,
Canteen Block, Man Singh Road,
New Delhi.
Tel No. 011-2338 2472.
States Covered: Delhi, MP, Chattisgarh &
2. Mumbai:
Building 'E' Khira Nagar,
S.V. Road, Santacruz (West)
Mumbai-400 054.
Tel No. 022-2614 7393.
States Covered: Maharashtra, Gujarat & Goa
3. Kolkata:
Room No. 116 A Wing,
3rd MSO Building, DF Block,
Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 064
Tel No. 033-2334 3407.
States Covered: Orissa, Bihar, West Bengal &
All NE states
4. Chennai:
Tamil Nadu Housing Board Complex,
Ashok Nagar,
Chennai-600 083
Tel No. 044-2489 1337.
States Covered: Tamil Nadu & Kernataka
5. Hyderabad:
8th Floor, Chandra Vihar Complex,
Opp. Exhibition Ground, M.J. Road,
States Covered: Anda Pradesh
6. Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum):
Suganth, 24/846 (I),
Trivandrum-695 014
Tel No. 0471-2324835
Districts Covered: Trivandrum, Kollam & Pathanamthitta
7. Chandigarh:
Kendriya Sadan,
5th Block, Ground Floor,
Tel No. 0172-2741790
States Covered: Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh,
8. Cochin:
Mercy Estate, 4th floor
Puram, MG Road
Cochin - 682015
Tel. 0484-2360187
States Covered: Kerala
9. Jaipur:
Hall No.3, RIICO CFC Building Sitapura Industrial Area, Sitapura,
Phone : 0141-2771529
States Covered: Rajasthan
10. Rai Bareily:
1st Floor, Rudra plaza, Hospital Road, Raebareli, U. P.
Phone : 0535-2211122/2211123
States Covered: UP
Website of Bureau of Immigration,