Student Visa

• Father can sponsor his son on student visa till completion of 18 years age.

• After 18 years, student visa will be renewed for one year each time if he can show course continuation certificate from an accredited school/college. If the college is not accredited or if the course exceeds 20 years of his age, Dh5000 to be deposited which is refundable after visa cancellation.

• If the son is studying out of UAE and he wants to continue his student visa in UAE, he can deposit Dh5000 after getting special approval from Immigration Director.

Required Documents:
• Typed Application (can be prepared from Typing Centre)
• Original Passport of son
• Medical Fitness Certificate for student whose age is 18 or above
• Course Continuation Certificate for son whose age is 18 or above
• Emirates ID application
• Passport copy of sponsor
• Salary Certificate/Labour Contract copy of sponsor
• Tenancy Contract Copy of accommodation. It has to be registered through EJARI online system.
• Dh5000 deposit receipt copy (if applicable)

Note: Daughter can continue on student visa under parent's sponsorship till she gets married.

Frequently Asked Question

Q: My son is under my sponsorship. He will be 18 on February 10. His visa expires on April 10. I would like to ask you whether I can renew his residence visa. He is taking his board exam on April 25, here in Dubai. Do I need to cancel his visa?

A: You will not have any problem with regards to your son’s residence visa. In relation to the visa which expires in February, your son has 30 days after the expiry, and when the period of 30 days has lapsed, a new visa may be made for your son if he continues his education within the UAE, and in this event, the new visa will be only for one year to be renewed annually.

Children under Mother's Sponsorship

Family Visa