Sponsoring Son's Visa (Age above 18)-Dubai

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New UAE residency visa rules for 18-year-old dependents (20/06/2019

UAE residents can now renew the residency visas of their 18-year-old dependents, whether they are secondary school or university graduates, for up to two consecutive years.

The residence permit will be valid for a year and can be renewed for an additional year.

This benefit can be availed from the date of completion of secondary education of dependents, or those who have just graduated university, or those reaching the age of 18 years.

Guardians will no longer be required to apply under humanitarian appeals, which required a deposit of Dh5,000.

This type of visa can only be obtained as of the date of graduation from school/university, or when reaching the legal age, 18, whichever is earlier.

Applicants can apply through Amer Centers.

Residents can submit supporting documents that include attaching the certificate of general secondary education or graduation certificate or the information from the university where the son studied, whether inside or outside the UAE, duly certified by his college/university.

The residency laws of the UAE allows expatriate parents to sponsor their sons as long as they are less than 18 years old. Existing visa can be renewed till the age of 21.

The laws are different for a daughter and the parents can sponsor her beyond 18 years of age. The parents can sponsor her if she is a divorcee or if she becomes a widow. Her residency visa will be valid for two/three years depends on the sponsor's visa.

+ According to the law, the parents of the teenager can keep him here if he is studying at a local educational institution, a university or a college in the UAE.

+ The teenager can be sponsored either by the educational institution or by one of the parents after submitting a document at the residency department that he is continuing his studies here in the UAE.

+ Course continuation certificate from the college he studies.

+ If the son studies out of UAE, Course continuation certificate should be attested by UAE Embassy in that country and Foreign Affairs in UAE.

Visa Validity: One year and can be renewed for an additional year.

+ Medical Certificate at the time of visa stamping/renewal.

Medical Insurance Card/Certificate at the time of visa stamping/renewal.

+ To prepare your Visa application; call

Bur Dubai: 04-358 6215, 055-9105757

Qusais (Al Nahda-2): 04-239 1302,
055 273 2295, 055-345 7829

Hor Al Anz: (Deira): 04-265 8373, 050-715 0562
Qusais (Damascus St): 04-258 6727, 054-300 5931

Below mentioned documents are required in original for scanning at the AMER centre.

+ Passport of the son.

+ One photograph (white background).

+ Sponsor's original passport and Emirates ID.

+ Original Birth Certificate (for child) attested from UAE Embassy in Home Country and Foreign Affairs in UAE.

+ Original EJARI Certificate & Electricity Bill. If you live out of Dubai, Municipality attested Tenancy Contract and Electricity Bill. Tenancy/Ejari should be in the name of the applicant or spouse.

+ Original Labour Contract. (Minimum Salary Dh3000 + Accommodation or Dh4000). Labour Contract can be printed from Tas’heel Centre/Typing Centre on payment of Dh103. Passport copy is enough for printing Labour Contract. No need attestation.

+ Original Salary Certificate (for Free Zone / Semi Government / Government Staff)

+ Visa Fee Dh360 and Dh210 for file opening charge (Typing charge extra) should be paid at AMER Centre. If you have paid for file opening before, bring the receipt for scanning.
+ If the sponsor is Government or Semi-government Staff, application Fees: Dh310 (Typing charge extra).

+ Last three months bank statement. Online print will not be accepted.

+ IBAN (International Bank Account Number) of the Sponsor (applicant).

IF THE SPONSOR IS INVESTOR/PARTNER: the following additional documents are required:
+ Dh3020 Deposit for each family member. This amount is refundable after cancellation of the visa (Effective from 01/08/2014).
+ Trade License copy & partners List (second page of license)
+ LLC Agreement (share value should not be less than Dh70,000)

If the sponsor is Mother: NOC in Arabic from husband to sponsor the child by mother. If the husband is out of UAE, NOC has to be attested by UAE Embassy abroad and Ministry of Foreign Affairs inside the UAE. read more

- All charges, including Deposits, Guarantees, Courier and file opening fees will be processed through AMER Typing centers. Refund can be processed only to the sponsor’s Bank Account. IBAN (International Bank Account Number) of the Sponsor (applicant) is required.

- Customers need to visit the immigration (GDRFA) only after the approval of their online application. Customer will receive SMS incase of approval, modification or rejection. White colour Visa will be mailed to applicant's E-mail address after approval. If you need pink colour visa, you can visit any GDRFA Dubai branch after receiving approval SMS. No extra fee. Passengers from some countries need pink colour visa for Emigration clearance.
Can I renew the residency visa of my special needs son after he turns 18?

As a general rule, a father is able to sponsor his son up to age 18 years, or up to age 21 if the son is in full-time education, whether in the UAE or abroad. While these are the stated and published rules, a special application can be made to the relevant department in the emirate where the family lives. In this particular case, inquiries should be made to the General Directory and Foreigner Affairs (GDFA) – Dubai (dnrd.ae/en). The GDFA has issued public statements advising that it has set up a special committee to assess humanitarian cases. This case would come under its remit. While there are no guarantees, with the right proof of dependency you should have a good case to apply for a standard two-year residency visa for his son.
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Tags: how can I apply for my son's visa in Dubai? my son is above 18 years old. what are the documents required to renew his visa? what are the documents required to renew the visa of my son who is 19 years old? Do I need to deposit to renew my son's visa? how many years can my son's visa be renewed?

UAE Employment Visa related service at Thiruvananthapuram. Our package includes: pick from your arrival point (Railway/Bus Stand), Accommodation, Medical (if required), Medical Certificate Attestation using our Credit Card without you standing in the queue, necessary guidance and drop at your travel point.

Maid Visa related Service: After completion of e-Migrate procedures at Indian Consulate/Embassy in UAE, we can arrange remaining procedures for Emigration clearance.
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Profession Change

Children Sponsored by Mother