Unlimited Labour Contract - UAE Labour Law

It is not mandatory for employers and employees to renew an employment contract of unlimited period at the time of renewal of visa.

Article 39 of the Labour Law which reads as follows:

"A contract of employment shall be deemed to be a contract for an unlimited period effective from the date of its commencement in any of the following circumstances:

a) if it is not made in writing;

b) if it is concluded for an unlimited period;

c) if it is made in writing and concluded for a limited period and both parties continue to perform it after the expiry of the period specified without a written agreement between them;

d) if it is concluded for the execution of a specific work for which no period is fixed, due to its nature, is likely to be renewed, and the contract continues after completion of the work agreed upon."

Frequently Asked Question

I joined my company one year ago, but still I didn't receive my Labour Contract. I want to apply for family visa. How can I get my Labour Contract?
A: You can go to Tas'heel Centre with your passport copy. They will print your contract true copy same time. Fee: Dh53.

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Haj Leave
Labour Card Fine Calculator
Labour Card New
Labour Card Renew
Labour Contract
Labour Contract Amendment
Labour Contract FAQs
Labour Contract New (After Entry)
Labour Dispute
Labour Establishment Card
Labour Establishment Card Amendment
Labour Fees Information
Labour Guarantee Refund
Labour Inspection for Quota Approval
Labour Law
Labour PRO Card
Limited Contract
Lost Labour Card
Maternity Leave
Non-competition clause
Notice Period
Occupational Disease
Part-time Work Permit
Payment of Wages-UAE Labour Law
Probation Period
PRO Card Labour
Profession Change
Reasons of Work Permit rejection
Salary increment
Severance Payment
Sick Leave
Temporary Work Permit
Temporary Work Permit for Employee having Labour Dispute
Tasheel Centers-Dubai
Tasheel Centers-Abu Dhabi
Unpaid Salary
Visa Cancellation
Visa Transfer
Work Permit
Work Permit for relative Sponsored Ladies
Work Permit rejection

Ministry of Labour  
Timing: Saturday to Thursday 7:30am to 7:00pm
Call Centre: 800 665
Website: www.mol.gov.ae

Family Visa-Dubai

Certificate Attestation