Filing Labour Complaints in the UAE

How to file a labour complaint in UAE?

If you are working for long hours without being paid overtime or if your employer has unfairly demoted you, you can raise your grievance with the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE).

How can I file a labour complaint?
1. Call the Ministry’s hotline on 800 60.
2. Download the MOHRE app and file a labour complaint

3. Visit and select the option for filing a labour complaint.

You would need to create an account if you are choosing the second and third option. You would need your passport details and work permit (labour card) number to do so.

Once you file a complaint, you will receive a call within 72 working hours from a legal advisor with the Twa-fouq centre, who will try to initially find an amicable solution to the issue.

There is no fee charged from an employee for this process.

What is Twa-fouq?

Twa-fouq centres are service centres licensed by MOHRE and receive labour complaints submitted by an employer or an employee.

The centre investigates the complaints and provides recommendations to MOHRE for approval and to take a decision on the dispute resolution or refers the case to the judiciary.

It also provides legal advice and replies to inquiries related to work relations.

Procedure for filing labour complaint
Based on Article 6 of the UAE Labour Law, this is how the Ministry handles labour complaints:

+ Applications of labour disputes must be made to the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation.

+ The Twa-fouq department concerned will call the two parties to the dispute and take action it deems necessary to settle the dispute amicably. At this stage, the parties are not obliged to accept the settlement.

+ If an amicable settlement is not reached, the department must, within two weeks from the date of receiving the request, forward the dispute to the Labour Court concerned.

+ The referred case must be accompanied with a memo giving a summary of the dispute, evidence of both parties and the comments of the labour department concerned.

+ The competent court will, within three days from the date of receiving the request, fix a hearing for the claim and notify the two parties.

+ The court may request a representative from the department of labour to appear and explain the contents of the memo submitted by it. The court will then issue its judgement on the matter.

What are the court fees for filing a Labour case?
Fees to be paid by the employee:
For claims up to Dh100,000, the employee does not need to pay the court fees.

For claims over Dh100,000, the employee needs to pay five per cent from the claim amount, with a maximum fee of Dh20,000.

MOHRE Helpline: 800 60